Friday 27 January 2012

Friday Freebies - Project Life & Photography

This week I thought I would mix it up with some digital elements for scrapbooking & some actions for use in photoshop & photoshop elements.


thetinytwig (this link also has a photo overlay)


Hope you love the selection of freebies I came up with today as much as I do.

Also if you live in Sydney & are interested in a (day) retreat just for mums, that's being held in Mid March, make sure you check out Power of Mums.

Mel x

Thursday 26 January 2012

2012 - A new school year & our launch pad

I can't believe that my eldest is about to start Year 3, which means he's going into his 4th year of school.  That means 4 years of school drop offs, pick ups, homework & all that goes with having a school aged child, doesn't seem that long ago that we dropped him off for his first day in Kindergarten.

Last year things started to get a little out of control with our routine & organisation. Mornings were always a rush, homework was a last minute thought by the boy and me.  News due on a Friday, was done on a Friday morning as we were rushing out the door.  It was not pretty.

So over the past almost 6 weeks of holidays, I have been working on my new strategy to get the boy, the family & me organised. I knew that some big changes needed to happen so the house can run like clock work and be a less stressful place each day. From all accounts we know there is going to be alot more homework & assignments this year too, so doing it the morning its due, definitely isn't going to work.

So I have trawled the internet looking for inspiration, but knew I had to make it my own to allow it to work.

I have found the perfect wall to put our "launch pad".  Its at the end of our entrance way, just around the corner from the hallway that leads to the bedrooms.

Here is the wall after the shelf was installed (forgot to take a before shot)

The launch pad consists of a shelf, which has a basket to put our wallets, phones, etc in. Some bag hooks to hold school bags, swimming bags & hubbys work bag.

This is also where I have our 2organise term planner which will have all our activities, etc recorded.  A central point for everyone to see the comings & goings of the year.

I am also planning on putting a whiteboard to the right of the term planner, to record the boys school timetable, ie - sports day, library, vocal ensemble, etc.

Almost finished space (so happy with it)

Close up of bag hooks

Term Planner

I am still deciding if I will put some shoe storage here. It would definitely be neater and make it easier access to shoes needed more regularly.  That might be a work in progress over the coming weeks. At the moment this is the front runner for the spot.  I would get some baskets to put inside the spots.

I have also added a magnetic bulldog clip to the front of the fridge & labelled it school notes, the boy knows when he unpacks his school bag he has to put an notes there otherwise I won't read them.  We do get alot of our notes emailed these days, so overtime this won't be used nearly as much.

I have also put a hook on his wardrobe door, so each night going to bed we get out the uniform required for the next day.

Mel x

Wednesday 25 January 2012

Project Life - Week 3

Welcome to Week 3, I just have to say I'm loving Project Life more and more.  I have my routine sorted, with getting the photos worked out as the week goes on & then I go and get them printed.

This past week was a great week with a bit of difference.  

I went on a "date" with my eldest and we saw a movie in Gold Class, he loved it, as did I.  Was such a special treat. 

I used a Chatterbox label from my scrapbook supplies to add a little something to this photo.

This side features my blog header, a big moment for me "launching" my blog. A trip to the zoo, park & a sleep over at nan & pops for the first time.  Which meant a date night for hubby & I, something we haven't done in a long time. :)

I added a couple of little tags to highlight the girls first sleepover at nan & pops.

Because I had so many photos I wanted to use, I put most of my weeks journalling onto a fold out journal card. :)

I am so happy with how the week came together and using a few embellishments.  I have the map from our zoo visit & the 3D glasses from the movies, just trying to decide if I will add them in.

Again I am linking up with The Mom Creative, make sure you check out her website for more inspiration.

Later in the week I will be posting my Jan-April 2011 album, stay tuned to my Facebook Page for updates. :) e

Mel x

Monday 23 January 2012

February Photo a day challenge

I follow Fat Mum Slim's blog and she hosted a photo a day challenge in January, but I didn't participate.  It was huge, so many people took part and the photos were awesome.

So I've decided to partake in February's challenge. It will be an added extra to my Project Life album.

Here is the list for the month.  Are you going to join me? Would love you to share your photos on my facebook wall.

You can take your photos on instagram or if you don't have that app & you want to use your camera, go for it, its totally how you want to make it. Make sure you leave a comment to let me know your joining in the fun.

Mel x


Not long after my son was born, my sister introduced me to scrapbooking. I immediately fell in love, I saw it as a great way to record the boys memories for him & for us.  I loved going to classes and even did a few layouts at home, but over time I slowed down and hardly touched my photos or supplies.

Then about 18 months ago I decided that I wanted to start again, but with 2 little girls joining our family, I was lost as to where to start.  Then when I looked back at the boys albums I realised that I had pretty much stopped scrapbooking not long after he turned 2, he will be 8 this coming March!

I also have 12 months of not many photos, which makes me a little sad, but I can't turn back the clock.  This is partly due to me not picking up the camera much & also having our computer crash & loosing some photos.

Then at the end of 2010 I stumbled across the product "Project Life" and decided it was the system for me. It has enabled me to keep us with a family album for 2011 and is the system I am using for 2012.

But I hear some of you say, but I don't have the money to outlay for the kit, I missed pre-ordering and now can't get the kit I wanted or even I have all these scrapbooking supplies I want to use, but don't have the time to do the "traditional" layouts. Where do I start!

Well there are a few options out there for you. 

  • You could order the page protectors from Craft House and fill as you please, with photos, journalling cards (see some free links below), make your own cards, embellishments etc.  Totally up to you.

  • You could use the We r Memory Keeper divided page protectors. I have found the full range here at Craftainers, but there are many australian suppliers stocking them. Below are a few examples of the page protectors available from WRM. And fill as above.

Here are a few in use. 

Simplest form, photos only. 

 With some scrapbooking paper as a background

Currently photos, but could have some paper added down the bottom.
  • Maybe a digital approach is more to your liking.  You could purchase the digital version of Project Life from Jessica Sprague or you could buy digital templates from Designer Digitals.  I love the templates made by Cathy Z and Ali Edwards, and make them your own.  Plenty of free digital papers, embellishments available. Pinterest & google away. :)

Here are a few examples of some digital pages I have completed recently and have printed from Persnikety Prints (based in the US, but very reasonable cost and postage).  I think their quality is fantastic too.

(something a little different, a 12x12 print)

4. There are so many free templates for the journalling cards, etc to make it a little easier and more cost effective.  Below are a few links I have found.

If you have any questions or want me to expand further on any of the above, be sure to leave a comment and I will do another post covering your questions. 

If you would like me to share my freebie finds on a regular basis, be sure to leave a comment too.

Mel x